PH_Luke wrote:
Our company has many remote users and we are looking for a way to deploy software to those computers via url. I have attempted to replace the Package Share with a url and it returns errors. Has anyone had any luck with this? Any suggestions?
I made this to work using this tool:
I installed on the same server where lives lansweeper but you can use another one too. Then on the deployments I use this steps:
- First I create a directory if doesn't exist with:
mkdir C:\Temp\
- Then I get the file into that dir:
curl.exe -s -o C:\Temp\XXXX.msi http://url_of_your_server:8080/XXXX.msi
- Then I execute de installer from the local folder
- Finally I delete the file:
del C:\Temp\XXXX.msi
Hope is usefull for you. I think this method is more secure than using SMB folders. Anyway, you can do this using an FTP server as curl can get files from http, ftp and more. I think Lansweeper would add a embedded fileserver to achieve this instead of using an external server, where you can upload the executable files with an upload button.