ā12-21-201510:22 PM - last edited on ā04-01-202404:38 PM by Mercedes_O
Any direction greatly appreciated.
1) In the "Configuration" "Asset Pages" "Asset Custom Fields" I set Custom01 to a Textbox and renamed it to TeamViewerID.
2) I created a batch file c:\tvr.bat with the following one line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\Version7\teamviewer.exe" --Password TestPassword -i {Custom01}
3) I then created an Asset Action called "TeamViewer Remote" that has one line: cmd.exe /K {actionpath}tvr.bat
When I run the custom action from the Asset Pages everything translates okay except for the Custom01. Instead of it putting in the number that I manual put in by editing the asset it just puts in {Custom01} in the command line.
Question: How do I call an "Asset Custom Field" from a command line or lansweeper action script?
If everything is on the same network, you could use {ipaddress} to connect to the machines. You would have to modify teamviewer to accept incoming lan connection, but that should work.
Below I added some additional information on the available parameters:
{actionpath} - Network share path defined unter Configuration\Asset Pages {smartname} - Assetname or IP address, depending on Asset type {assetname} - Assetname {dnsname} - Name as resolved by DNS {computer} - Computer name {domain} - Computer domain name {tag} - Serial number {username} - Logged on user name {userdomain} - Logged on user domain {ipaddress} - Asset IP address {fqdn} - Asset FQDN {scanserver} - Scan server which last scanned the asset
Bert, is it possible to use any of the other fields in the New Asset form? For example... "System SKU", "Order", "Barcode", etc. that I will be able to call from a custom action?
I'm afraid it's currently not possible to use the custom fields (eg. {Custom01}) as a parameter in custom actions.
is there any update? It would be nice if the custom-fields could be used as a parameter in custom actions. Maybe there is a 'workaround'?
Unfortunately, there is no workaround available. The parameters you are able to use are hard-coded. The ability to use more parameters is on the wishlist but we cannot yet provide an estimated release date for this.
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