This is an old post but I've referenced it 2ce recently and had to work around an error both times
Problem - tblNtlogMessage table grows and maxes out SQL express 10GB limit
I've reduced the log retention in settings but table size didn't change
Below used to clear tblNtlog table to -7 days, then delete records from tblNtlogMessage where the EventID is not in tblNtlog or tblHyperVLog
(had to include tblHyperVLog to avoid error [The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblHyperVLog_tblNtlogMessage"])
**This has not been approved by support - Use with caution**
I haven't seen any issues using it
FROM [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tblNtlog]
WHERE [TimeGenerated] < GETDATE()-7
FROM [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tblNtlogMessage]
WHERE [MessageID] NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tblNtlog].[MessageID] FROM [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tblNtlog])
[MessageID] NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tblHyperVLog].[EventMessageId] FROM [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tblHyperVLog])