For a few years, we used Spiceworks on-prem. That gave us performance issues, so we switched to their cloud version since on-prem was no longer being worked on. That was a nightmare. So I searched for new software and landed on using Manage Engine's Service Desk Plus that we have been using for the last year and have been satisfied with it.
As for features we were looking for, besides being affordable since we are in Higher Ed, here was our list:
- People usually email the help desk, which gets converted into a ticket automatically in our current helpdesk system. Then our helpdesk staff assigns the ticket appropriately to the right tech.
- Having an option to log how long we are working on a ticket is good.
- Another key thing is the ability to CC multiple people on a ticket.
- Have an option to leave internal notes for other techs if a ticket gets re-assigned to another tech.
- Decent reporting options.
- Priority based ticketing: low\medium\high
- Our current software allows the option to close as duplicate, which merges the two tickets together since it’s the same\similar issue