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Engaged Sweeper III
Is there anything out that that integrates with Lansweeper or what is the best software you can recommend to use for desktop support?

Honored Sweeper
Apaulcolypse wrote:
Is there anything out that that integrates with Lansweeper or what is the best software you can recommend to use for desktop support?

We currently have a Team Viewer license and deploy that to all machines via Lansweeper.

When we have issues with Team Viewer eg connection issues, system down etc. I use IntelliAdmin Remote Control. It allows you to connect to a machine, if the server is missing, it will install it for you. Similar to Dameware Mini Remote Control, but alot smaller overhead and simple to use. IntelliAdmin also allows you to remote into RDP Sessions, so you can assist those that RDP into terminal servers, other machines etc.

Failing that you also have Quick Assist with Windows 10 machines. We also have Skye For Business, and can always do remote control through there if we get desperate.

Esben.D wrote:
The ones I've seen so far are:

TeamViewer: https://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst12277_TeamViewer-Custom-Action.aspx#post44452
Dameware: https://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst13564_Using-Dameware-Remote-support-with-Lansweeper.aspx#post47887

The default one is a modified UVNC version, I've not using the normal UVNC one, but you might be able to also use that.

I have found we are unable to use the modified UVNC one, can never connect. Not sure if its because we are blocking the VNC ports by default for added security. I would like to see this more enhanced.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
The ones I've seen so far are:

TeamViewer: https://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst12277_TeamViewer-Custom-Action.aspx#post44452
Dameware: https://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst13564_Using-Dameware-Remote-support-with-Lansweeper.aspx#post47887

The default one is a modified UVNC version, I've not using the normal UVNC one, but you might be able to also use that.