Hello there!
That is correct, the AntiVirusProduct WMI class does not exist on Windows Server operating systems, but nonetheless, your asset page is displaying status information (and a little bug icon) which suggests that the scanning routine found something in WMI.
We are not aware of the history of this particular server, but if it is an option for you, you could try deleting the asset page and then rescan the asset to see if the information is still there.
Alternatively, you can run the two commands below in an elevated command prompt on the local computer to cross-reference with what is stored in WMI. The command output will be stored in lansweeperwmi.txt, which will be written to the folder from which the command is run in CMD.
wmic /namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter path AntiVirusProduct > lansweeperwmi1.txt
wmic /namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 path AntiVirusProduct > lansweeperwmi2.txt
And do not hesitate to reach out if you need some more support: https://www.lansweeper.com/contact-support/