4 weeks ago
We have created a number of custom "state" values to help track various processes within our infrastructure. The most popular custom state is "Pending Decom" and "Decom'd/Retired". If these assets are being decommissioned, i don't need to continue scanning them.
another custom "state" is for Unsupported OS versions. This state allows us to identify, the manually added assets that are running OS versions not supported by Lansweeper.
3 weeks ago
Scanning exclusions only work on asset type, IP ranges, domain, domain, or computer name.
Setting up exclusions on other criteria is not possible at this moment.
You could set up a scanning target based on a report or asset group. You can use conditions on those based on the state.
In this way you will miss new assets however but you could enable in in your IP range targets the option "Scan New Windows Only". These combinations might give you a few options.
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