Since email notification and scheduled scanning is part of the premium version then I suppose this feature request will relate to that version only.
I would love to see Lansweeper incorporate a client heartbeat monitoring system.
I am not a devleoper so what seems easy may not be. I understand that, but since all the components are already available in lansweeper (system scanning, email notifications) it seems this could be incorporated.
This monitor would allow an admin to select a list of clients that have already been discovered to be "monitored for heartbeat".
From there one would be able to set the heartbeat interval.
During each interval lansweeper would scan each client specified for the minimal amount of data required for a successful client scan (just to get the server to report back to lansweeper).
If the scan failes then it is logged in the lansweeper DB and an email alert is sent through the lansweeper email engine that is already in place for emailing reports and event logs.
You would be able to set the frequency of email notifications (immediate or at intervals you define).
I know these things are always easier said then done, but it seems all the major pieces are already present in lansweeper (email notification, scheduled scanning), they just need to be tied together.
Is this unrealistic request?