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Microsoft Inventory with LANSweeper

Has anyone worked out a good way to maintain Microsoft software under Licensing?Specifically, the hell that is Server Hyper-V client licensing.Server Standard, from 2008R2 on, allows for Qty. 2 free client OS installs.Server 2008 Enterprise allowed f...

MikeRigsby by Engaged Sweeper III
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Printing / Export for large scale location maps

Would like to be able to print (to any printer) a large scale Location map with assets overlay. Need to be able to specify the paper size for the printing (eg A0 size). This would also allow printing to PDF via CutePDF or similar.Printing the entire ...

Adam by Engaged Sweeper
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VNC Alternative

Would be nice to see something other than VNC for a remote control agent. VNC suffers from lag. Could you add support for something else even if it costs money?Or can you run something else already for a remote control agent?Keep up the Great Work an...

bruggles by Engaged Sweeper
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Monitor set to non active if computer is

We just replaced 400 computers, with AiO, so there is no separate monitor attached and the monitors are being sold. I would love an option that if the asset that the monitor is attached to is not active, that the monitor is marked not active too.Or ...

sullivane by Champion Sweeper III
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win32_volume class into the lansweeper service scan

I konw I can always run this in powershell like below but it would be nice if I could also get free space from the mount points in the database by adding the win32_volume class.$TotalGB = @{Name="Capacity(GB)";expression={[math]::round(($_.Capacity/ ...

njordur by Engaged Sweeper III
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Deployment Organization

It would be nice if you could create folders under the package options for organizational purposes. When you start getting a lot of packages or similar packages it would be nice to be able to group them in a folder.

Niley by Engaged Sweeper II
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