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Engaged Sweeper
I would really love it if I could mark somewhere that a computer belongs to a specific user regardless of who logs into the system. This way I can run reports on Users to see who needs to be upgraded. As it stands now, if the user works at open stations or away from there desk because they hate there system. I don't "easily" see that informaiton. Also, for theift protection. If John Smith's Laptop is stolen I would need to get the laptop information to the police. Right now I can look up john system but I would have to verify which laptop was his.... (somehow).... Lastly, I would like to be able to write in a name or search AD for a name if the person is new and has not logged into AD I could still assign them a computer.

Not applicable
I'm using the custom fields for this, Custom1 is the username of the computer owner. We have the policy of having a signed declaration from the user, and I scan those papers to make them available as a Lansweeper action on a shared folder, so we can consult it when needed (\\server\share$\{computer}.pdf)

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