Sorry to drag up an old thread, but this is something that could be useful to a number of people, not just me.
Ive used the above script which works for desktop and laptops, but not for HP servers.
Ive had a look about and have found all of the info to make this work for servers aswell, just not sure how to put it all together ( if indeed it is possible).
Here what i have:
The URL needed to pass the Location, Serial Number and Product number:<InsertSerialNumberHere>&country=CA&lang=en&cc=us&pn=<InsertProductNumberHere>#ABA&find=Display%20Warranty%20Information%20%C2%BB&
As Lansweeper already pulls the serial number, all that is needed is the product number /ID.
Depending on what model of HP server, it is stored in one these reg keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\System Properties\productnumber
Can anybody figure a way automate this the same way as Dell etc .... ?
Any pointers appreciated, or if someone wants something testing let me know.