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Engaged Sweeper

Hello all, as i cannot create a case for support i am putting it here.

currently we are using Lansweeper on-prem and cloud. We use it for tickets but also for target scanning, but we have issue's with the exclussions  somehow it keeps scanning the devices we have excluded.

we put the exclussion on hostname and ip adress but i cannot get it to stop scanning the devices, i hope you can help me with this

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello BISFrank, 

We are not aware of any issues with exclusions at the moment. If the exclusions don't work, a scanning error could cause this. But either on hostname and/or IP address the exclusion should work. 
Support should be able to help you with this. They can provide you with some debug options that show why assets get excluded (or not).


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