The Lansweeper "UI report builder" is a nice feature but it limits the possibilities of SQL.
In particular, it won't allow the use of DECLARE and its advantages:
- Use variables to avoid repeat magic values in formulas
- Use variables to store temporary tables, created on the fly, again, avoiding long-and-painful repeats in subsequent SQL code.
- Use of CROSS APPLY, reducing the need for nested queries (CROSS APPLY allows to calculate a field based on other _calculated_ fields), allowing for liter queries.
- There's certainly other advanced SQL features available out there.
These features _are available_ when connecting directly to Lansweeper DB, allowing one to pull such reports from Lansweeper using a SQL connector.
Issue is, these "SQL-only" reports can't be made available in Lansweeper reports list, because UI Report builder does not accept SQL code that contains DECLARE statements.
Providing a way to manage "SQL-only" reports (no "Lansweeper report builder" view or update) would be very convenient.
Best Regards, SĂ©bastien Millet