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Champion Sweeper
I would like to have the HTML move from 4.0> to 5. This may be insignificant to most, but having to revert back to 4.0 from using 5 for the past 4 years is taking a toll on my brain.
Champion Sweeper
So it has been 2 years since I've requested this. Is there any update on this? For 2+ years I've been battling Lansweeper adding additional cruft to my HTML as well as having to use 4.0 among other things. I have seen multiple people ask for simple things like anchors or child links or just making things easier to make KBs.

As the primary KB creator for my company, I have a very hard time finding any motivation to create KBs in Lansweeper other than a part of my job depends on it. We have been migrating, slowly and painfully, to Lansweeper from a Media Wiki server and it just plain sucks with the limitations Lansweeper is presenting.
Lansweeper Alumni
We've added an item to our internal feature tracking system for either adding support for HTML5 or migrating to HTML5. At this moment in time we cannot guarantee that this will be implemented though and aren't able to provide you with an estimated release date.

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