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Hi everyone!

Lansweeper is delighted to announce the availability of its new Network Discovery in your Lansweeper Site, now in Preview. Discover more details of your assets remotely with Network Discovery, now available on Windows, Linux and macOS with auto update on all platforms.


How to access (Full) Network Discovery in your Lansweeper Site

  • During Preview, Network Discovery can still produce duplicate assets. Optionally, you can resolve duplicate assets by opening Scanning › Discovery systems and unlinking the Network Discovery system(s), and removing all related data.

A brief explanation

  • Learn how to install/deploy Network Discovery here.

  • If you chose to link your Network Discovery with your Lansweeper Site, it will be shown in Scanning > Discovery systems.

  • To see the assets your Network Discovery brought in, you can check Inventory > All assets. You can also use Inventory > Installations > %Name of the Network Discovery Hub% to filter on the assets of a specific installation. Some data might still be missing we’re continuously mapping and expanding our global data model.

  • Logs can be found here by default:

    • Installer:

      • "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\Lansweeper_Network_Discovery_installer.log"


      • "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\Lansweeper.IT.Hub.log"

    • Modules:

      • Hub: "C:\Program Files\Lansweeper Network Discovery\sensor\logs\Lansweeper.IT.Sensor.log"

      • IT Sensor: "C:\Program Files\Lansweeper Network Discovery\sensor\logs\Lansweeper.IT.Hub.log"


Lansweeper Network Discovery vs Lansweeper IT Discovery and OT Discovery

Topic Network Discovery IT Discovery OT Discovery


Discover all IT assets in your network. OT discovery will be added to the same installer/package later on

Discover all IT assets in your network

Discover all OT assets in your network

Asset reach

Tracks both the machine running Network Discovery and discovers IT (and later OT) assets remotely

Tracks both the machine running Network Discovery and discovers IT assets remotely

Tracks both the machine running Network Discovery and discovers OT assets remotely

Asset data

Expanded default IT (and later OT) discovery data set (extra data like user info on macOS)

Default IT discovery data set

Default OT discovery data set


Requires credentials to get all asset details remotely. Can recognize assets without credential though

Requires credentials to get all asset details remotely. Can recognize assets without credential though

Requires credentials to get all asset details remotely. Can recognize assets without credential though

Network access

  • Requires specific OT ports to be open on the assets to discover.

  • To sync with your Lansweeper Site, HTTP2 proxy is not supported

Auto update

Yes, on Windows, Linux and macOS

No, manual update

Yes, on Windows, Linux and macOS

Vulnerability risks

Built on .NET 6.0 with a reduced vulnerability risk in comparison to .NET FW 4.8

Built on .NET FW 4.8 with a higher vulnerability risk in comparison to .NET 6.0

Built on .NET 6.0 with a reduced vulnerability risk in comparison to .NET FW 4.8


Lansweeper Network Discovery vs Lansweeper IT Agent (Portable) Discovery



Discover all IT (and later OT) assets in your network

Get all details of the computers you know that have IT Agent Discovery installed and running as a background service or daemon.

Planned, not available yet. Get all details of the computers on which you run IT Agent as a foreground application. Ideal to be included in a logon script

Asset reach

Tracks both the machine running Network Discovery and discovers IT (and later OT) assets remotely

Local computer tracking where the IT Agent Discovery is running

Local computer tracking where the IT Agent Discovery is running


Requires credentials to get all asset details remotely

Does not require credentials

Does not require credentials

Network access

Requires specific ports to be open on the assets to discover. See 

Few connectivity requirements. See 

A connection to a Lansweeper Network Discovery - Hub component or a location to store the discovery result file in, for later import.


Can I install "(full) Network Discovery" on a machine that already has "OT Network Discovery"

Yes, during preview these will be able to run on the same machine.

During the installer I get the message: “There has been an error. Could not start Lansweeper IT Network Discovery Hub Service. The application will exit now.” How can I solve it?

If you receive this message during the installation, you can follow this procedure to resolve it:

  1. Press Windows + R to open Run

  2. Type regedit to open the Registry Editor.

  3. Navigate to the location below or copy-paste the location in the navigation bar. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control

  4. Now the Control registry folder is selected. Move to the right side and create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value called ServicesPipeTimeout

  5. Now in the Edit Value window, change the Base to Decimal.

  6. Enter a value of 600000 in the Value Data field. Click on OK to save the changes.

  7. Exit the Registry Editor and restart your system. (You need to restart, otherwise, the change doesn’t work.)

  8. After restarting, run the Network Discovery installer again.

We’ve noticed this on machines being a bit slower but haven’t figured out the root cause yet (slow hard disk, low memory, low CPU,…)

What are the installer return codes and possible error messages?

When the installer terminates with an exit code during the pre-installation phase, it ensures that no actions have been executed, with no files or changes left behind.

In the event the installer terminates during the installation, a rollback will occur, and no files or changes will be left behind.


The ranges are the following:

  • 0 (zero) will be returned when the installer finished as expected, without issues.

  • 20-39 range: issues regarding OS, installer or current installation (pre-installation)

  • 40-59 range: issues regarding user input (pre-installation)

  • 60-79 range: issues during installation (removing the installation)

  • 80-99 range: warnings during installation (keeping the installation)


Exit code






Exit code







The installer finished with success.



Issues regarding OS, installer or current installation



Another installation is already in progress. Please finish that installation before starting a new one.


This installer is being run on an unsupported operating system. Please update your OS if possible.


The existing installation is newer than the version you want to install. Installer will be closed.


Issues regarding user input



You must accept the terms of use before continuing with the installation. Please use the accepteula parameter for this.


A valid linking code to your Lansweeper Site is required to continue. Please use the cloudtoken parameter for this.


A valid proxy configuration is required to continue with the installation. Please use both the proxyserver and proxyport parameters (or none).


A valid proxy port is required to continue with the installation. Please use the proxyport parameter correctly.


No module was selected to be installed. Installer will be closed.


Issues during the installation (installation will be rolled back)



PowerShell script execution is not enabled on your computer, make sure your computer is configured to allow PowerShell script execution.


A link to your Lansweeper Site could not be made. (IT Agent only)


A required component service could not be started.


Warnings during installation (installation will be kept)



The installation succeeded but a link your Lansweeper Site could not be made. (Network Discovery only)



Note: When using the MacOS PKG, the installer command only returns 0 (success) or 1 (general error).
To get the specific exit code (from the list above), this extra log file is available : /tmp/Lansweeper-IT-Agent-Discovery_exitcode.log. This file only contains the specific exit code (integer value).

Why am I not seeing all asset data (yet)?

We’re remapping all data to a universal data model. As we’re doing this in phases, you’ll only see certain data sections available on the asset page of assets discovered by IT Agent. Currently, these sections are available:

  1. HW
  2. Operating System
  3. Software
  4. Monitor

And this list is continuously being extended.

How do I solve duplicate issues?

You can resolve duplicate assets by opening Scanning › Discovery systems and unlinking the Network Discovery system(s), and removing all related data.

Can I unlink the Network Discovery from my Lansweeper Site?

Yes, you can by going to Scanning › Discovery systems > choosing the Network Discovery and clicking “UNLINK” in the top right. After confirming with your site name, the data of the assets it discovered will no longer be added to your inventory.

Remark: After unlinking, Network Discovery is still scanning and trying to send its data to your Lansweeper Site. To avoid this from happening, we recommend you uninstall it on the machine it was installed on. We’re looking to automate this process so you don’t have to manually uninstall Network Discovery you no longer want.



Request for feedback

It's time for us to let you try and test this new feature. We hope this first version will give you an easy-to-deploy network discovery.

Finally, we're all ears! Your feedback is valuable, and we'd love to hear it.

Feel free to share in the comments or share your logs and screenshots privately to preview@lansweeper.com

Kind regards,

Gilian De Raes
Product Manager | Lansweeper