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Engaged Sweeper III
This would be "the cats ass" if you could do this. On the screen that shows all the computers in a particular domain, if there was a way to organize them into what OU they are in. Even if that was a manual process, it would be very handy. Maybe a rules processor would work, we name our computers by department (i.e. FTLAB-A would be a LAB computer).
Engaged Sweeper
Very strange, I see the views in SQL, but not in the report builder?
Lansweeper Alumni
ESIT wrote:
Very strange, I see the views in SQL, but not in the report builder?

The report builder only shows views starting with "web30rep" (so it does not interfere with your custom created views)
Engaged Sweeper
When you say create a new view, how exactly do you go about doing that?

Through lsbuilder?

I really need this ability.

Champion Sweeper
Nilesf and ueteam : In the tsysreports table, add a new record with web30OUComputers in the first field and a short description in the second field. This will add it to the available reports.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working. It's not showing all of the computers, and the FirstOU field is blank on all but one.

Edit : Nevermind. They're slowly filling in. Forgot they need to go through a reboot to get the info.
Engaged Sweeper
Like Niles, I'm missing the last step (6. Place the view)? The views are created, but not sure what to do next.
Engaged Sweeper
Niles, the view I mentioned is the one being created, so you'll only find it once it's done. The "place...wherever" means that, once created, that view (whatever the name is) should be placed on the Report tables on Lansweeper and referred to by LSManage - standard report creation procedure.

Rui Meleiro
Engaged Sweeper

In the following step where and how is this done?

"6. Place the web30OUComputers view/report wherever you need it to be"

Where will I find this view in the Lansweeper web site?

Engaged Sweeper
We have been using Lansweeper for a couple of months and I really need to congratulate Geert Moernaut for such a great job. Necessity is the mother of al inventions, and we had to come up with a way of organizing our Lansweeper collected machines via OU. We've constructed a simple report which I'm sharing with you - eventually it will help. It is based on version 3.1.
(Only tested it on an AD Domain with Windows XP machines or superior and all examples verified on Microsoft SQL Server 2005).

Steps to reproduce:

1. On the management console, move to Configuration and Scanned Registry Keys.
2. Add the following key to HKLM: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\Machine
3. Use Distinguished-Name as RegValue.
4. Create a new view (in this example, it is named web30FirstOU):

SELECT SUBSTRING(Value, CHARINDEX('=', Value, CHARINDEX('=', Value, 1) + 1) + 1,
CHARINDEX('=', Value, CHARINDEX('=', Value, CHARINDEX('=', Value, 1) + 1) + 1)
- CHARINDEX('=', Value, CHARINDEX('=', Value, 1) + 1) - 4) AS FirstOU, Computername
FROM tblRegistry
WHERE (Valuename = 'Distinguished-Name') AND
(Regkey = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\Machine')

(This will create a view with two simple columns - computername and FirstOU, based on string delimiters from the AD DN (Distinguished-Name); may not be used without changes on multiple level OUs and definitely does not work on W2K)

5. Create a new view (or report) named web30OUComputers (again, just an example)

CREATE VIEW web30OUComputers
SELECT tblComputers.Domain, web30FirstOU.FirstOU, tblComputers.Computername, tblADusers.Displayname, tblComputers.Lastseen,
tblComputersystem.Manufacturer, tblComputersystem.Model
FROM tblComputers INNER JOIN
tblComputersystem ON tblComputers.Computername = tblComputersystem.Computername INNER JOIN
tblADusers ON tblComputers.Username = tblADusers.Username LEFT OUTER JOIN
web30FirstOU ON tblComputers.Computername = web30FirstOU.Computername

6. Place the web30OUComputers view/report wherever you need it to be.
7. Should you need to reflect any changes made on AD, just logoff/logon, restart, wait for Group Policy to refresh or do a gpupdate /force. Just do not forget to rerun lsclient
8. Et voilà, a simple report with all your computers organized(able) by Active Directory OUs.

Just a contribution...
Geert, keep up the good work.
Engaged Sweeper
ejensen wrote:
This would be "the cats ass" if you could do this. On the screen that shows all the computers in a particular domain, if there was a way to organize them into what OU they are in. Even if that was a manual process, it would be very handy. Maybe a rules processor would work, we name our computers by department (i.e. FTLAB-A would be a LAB computer).

This would indeed be "the cat's ass" and my team would use it on a daily basis.


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