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Engaged Sweeper
Is there a way to create a simple approval ticket for the purchase department.
Let's say i generate a ticket with an invoice of a subscription. The manager just needs to approve it, so the IT support staff can pick up the ticket and make the purchase.

1. IT department generates a ticket (mail) with the subscription
2. Manager receives email (with link to ticket) for approving purchase.
3. Manager only needs an approval function\button for registration
Engaged Sweeper II

I would also appreciate such a feature.

We want to implement a workflow for a new employee.
This is actually done with a paper which is handed out for signing.

I want to automate this:
If a new employee starts in the company, the HR creates a Change Request.
This has to be approved by the supervisor and, if needed from the CEO.
I hope there is something like that on the roadmap, every other ticket system i know does have this feature.

But I don't want to change, because i love the feature to directly add an asset to a ticket or something like that.


Engaged Sweeper II
Please add a plus 1 to this request.

could be as simple as adding a lookup into the body for a word IE Apporeved. then make the actions set to approved.
Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support
Currently, there are no workflow features built into Lansweeper. This has been requested by other customers as well and is already on our customer wish list.

Alternatively, you can use ticket custom fields to record an obtained approval on a ticket: https://www.lansweeper.com/knowledgebase/creating-and-adding-custom-fields-to-ticket-types/

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