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Engaged Sweeper
Currently I'm in the process of moving all of our phones / SIM cards onto Lansweeper and using the asset relations to link them.

My naming scheme is like this:

HM - {SITE} 01; eg phone name: "HM - London 01"

SIM - {SITE} 01; eg SIM name: "SIM - London 01"

Being able to search a string and match for certain criteria and if that is matched then perform action x - in my case would be adding a relation.

I'd find that very useful right now! 🙂
Lansweeper Alumni
We've had a few similar requests in the past, but there's currently no release date for automated linking of assets based on rules. If you're familiar with SQL, you could probably write a scheduled script based on the tblAssetRelations database table to accomplish what you are trying to do, though this is not something we can provide instructions or support for.