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Champion Sweeper III
The deployment feature desperately needs stop\cancel functions.
Engaged Sweeper III
I would like this option to be implemented. Maybe even addon to it the ability to tell the package what it should do in order to undo what it has done so far.

(ex a package that installs a bunch of programs. It installed 3 out of 5. If you click stop it just stops at its current step or if you press cancel it will stop then uninstall the 3 programs.)
Champion Sweeper III
I created an asset action that kills all processes from the username we run out deployments from. If you have a specific username you deploy with here it is:

cmd.exe /K "{actionpath}\psexec.exe \\{smartname} taskkill /f /fi "USERNAME eq <username>"
Engaged Sweeper
Just curious, did you ever find a resolution to this? I'm currently in the same boat. I have deployments sitting in "Preliminary checks complete! Initializing deployment" and it's been way past the timeout threshold.
Engaged Sweeper III
It would also be nice to cancel a deployment in situations where it says, "Preliminary checks complete! Initializing deployment.", however it has been 3 hours for a package with a 30 minute timeout.
Engaged Sweeper III
"The max duration of the deployment package. When the specified time has elapsed, Lansweeper will stop the deployment. This will ensure that unnecessary processes or failing deployments do not continue to run."

Can't you just change the timeout to zero when canceling the deployment?

I'm more concerned with not being able to push a new deployment until the previous one has timed out, regardless of the status of the client. I can effectively cancel the deployment by rebooting the client, but I still can't push on the server.
Engaged Sweeper III
I second this request. A stop/cancel would be very useful. This could effectively execute a taskkill action on the remote computer to kill all associated processes.
Lansweeper Alumni
When a deployment is initiated, scheduled tasks are generated on the target machines. If the tasks haven't been generated yet, you can stop the Lansweeper service to stop the deployment. Once the tasks are generated however, the Lansweeper service has no control over the deployment anymore. A cancellation button has been discussed in a few other threads, but we don't have a release date for this feature yet unfortunately.
Susan.A wrote:
When a deployment is initiated, scheduled tasks are generated on the target machines. If the tasks haven't been generated yet, you can stop the Lansweeper service to stop the deployment. Once the tasks are generated however, the Lansweeper service has no control over the deployment anymore. A cancellation button has been discussed in a few other threads, but we don't have a release date for this feature yet unfortunately.

this post is 5 years old and there seems to be no stop or cancel function still in deployments. Is this request that hard to implement for your dev team?