Yes, setting it up was a bit of a pain but I tried to approach it logically. The custom ticket fields quickly get out of hand since the system simply sorts them alphabetically, and we have lots of other custom ticket fields that are not part of these checklist processes. So I decided to prepend each field related to a particular process with a 3-character abbreviation for the process, enclosed in square brackets, which moves these processes to the top of the list, keeping them from being interspersed throughout the custom ticket fields list. This made it MUCH easier to actually build and design the custom ticket itself, since I could just drag and drop the custom fields from the top of the list instead of having to hunt and scroll for ages.
A few screenshots to get you started...
Here's some of my custom fields. [PDC] would be "Process - Decommission Computer" and [PRU] is "Process - Remove User"

And here's the ticket editing screen:

Of course all of the fields are marked as required in order to close the ticket.
How it looks from the ticket view while In Progress:

Finally, here's the nice history view which serves as an audit trail to indicate who performed each task and when. The agent can simply add notes to the ticket body on anything peculiar related to their steps.

Hope this helps!