Funnily enough, I've just done the same thing.
I went to the reports section and modified the "assets detected by asset radar" report. This overwrote a literal section/tab of Lansweeper Classic (Asset Radar Assets). Anytime I go to that section now, it pulls up the modified report that I made. I would've thought that the built in reports that Lansweeper provides you to modify weren't actively being pulled from in the interface.
Anyways, if I could get a copy of the "Assets detected by asset radar" report, that'd be great.
Secondly, Lansweeper, you really shouldn't be pulling things for the Lansweeper Classic interface through easily modifiable reports, especially when they make no mention that they're actively "in production". Giving people copies of these reports to mess with would be cool though, just don't let us mess with production code, or at least make it more clear that that's what we're doing.