Hello, is there a report where I can see the date that a machine updated its Windows version? For example, when it was updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
Hello, I have two domain in Lansweeper and I tried to make a report to select Microsoft Office product but for one single domain.Here is my report:Select Top 1000000 tblSoftwareUni.softwareName As Software, tblSoftware.softwareVersion As Version, C...
Hello,Is there a report where I can see which DNS servers are configured on the clients/servers?We are migrating to another DNS server, and and want to see which clients/servers/devices are still using the "old" DNS server.Thanks !
Hi, Can anyone help with this please?I have got this far however I cannot convert the agentid to the agent display name. If I default link the htblagents table then the report will only display tickets where the agent and ticket user match, i.e. whe...
I'm trying to write a report to look for a particular Microsoft KB installed during the last round of patch Tuesday updates. I can see the update when looking at an asset under the History tab, but I cannot find the correct table(s) to pull the info...
I have been trying to start using Lansweeper and have been fiddling with the report that states whether a disk drive is below a certain amount of disk space. However on the report it will give me much more values than needed because most of our compu...
I am trying to find out who is logging into which machines, with a count of how many different machines that they log into, with a date and time they logged in.
Is there a way to create a report similar to the "All installed software" report where we can group by similar/like software names?For example, we would like to take this:Software..................................Version..Publisher...TotalJava 7 Upda...