The AD user status (enabled/disabled) isn't scanned by Lansweeper, so cannot be reported on. For the other information you are after, use the report below. We included user accounts for which no logon events have been detected. To use the report below, do the following:
•Open the report builder under Reports/Create New Report.
•Paste the SQL code we provided at the bottom of the page.
•Left-click somewhere in the upper section of the page so the code applies.
•Give the report a Title and hit the Save & Run button to save it. Export options are listed on the left.
Select Top 1000000 tblADusers.Username,
Max(tblCPlogoninfo.logontime) As LastLogon
From tblADusers
Left Join tblCPlogoninfo On tblCPlogoninfo.Username = tblADusers.Username And
tblCPlogoninfo.Domain = tblADusers.Userdomain
Group By tblADusers.Username,
Order By LastLogon