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Resolved! Report to show all devices with vPro

I am looking to create a report to show all devices with the vPro chipset. There is an older report here in the forums from 2014 titled "Asset: Vpro AMT available" but it did not show any results for me.

Server 2016 Build number

I'd like to report on Server 2016 build number to ensure we are at the latest version.Using the OperatingSystem.Version only gives the 10.0.14393 as you get from the ver command and not the full build version as you get with WinVer command.Is it poss...

FixitDave by Champion Sweeper
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Network Printer Report with Gateway

I use the below, and it gets me the printers I need.Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon, tblAssets.IPAddress, tblAssetCustom.Printedpages, tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer, tblAssetCustom...

Is there a way to report on Windows 10 paused updates

Hi,With Windows 10 now providing a pause updates as part of the update advanced options we would like to know out of the Windows 10 machines we have which have been set into a paused state. Some of our developers at times put their machine into paus...

Gillian by Engaged Sweeper II
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Report by IP with wildcard

Hello all.Is there a way to get a report that will list all devices within a certain range using wildcards for the 2nd and 4th octet of an IP4 address?For example:10.*.1.*where the asterisks are wildcardsI have little to no sql experience.Thanks in a...

jperryman by Engaged Sweeper II
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