06-25-2024 08:23 PM
Good Afternoon All!
I'm trying to set up a report to determine what accounts have been changed between enabled/disabled within the past day so I can create a regular email notification for auditing and tracking purposes. I see that Lansweeper can determine the status (enabled/disabled) but when I try to adjust by "whenchanged" or "lastchanged" I get a lot of false positives. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to make it more accurate. It may not be possible due to the nature of the system, but I also am not the best report creator so I might be missing something.
I currently have this basic report:
"Select Top 1000000 adu.Displayname,
When Coalesce(adu.IsEnabled, 0) = 0 Then 'False'
Else 'True'
End As EnabledInAD,
'usersm.png' As Icon,
From tblADusers adu
Where adu.whenChanged > GetDate() - 1
Order By adu.IsEnabled Desc,
Any advice would be appreciated on getting a report that simply tells me what accounts have been enabled or disabled in the past day.
Thanks much!
06-26-2024 03:50 PM
Good to know! Thanks for the info!
06-26-2024 05:22 AM
Table tblADusers doesn't have history, so there is no way to create report for tracking user's status.
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