You didn't actually need to resort to Google; everything you need is available with LANSweeper.
Take a look at the WHERE clause on the report you want to modify and you should see
Where tblAssetCustom.State = 1
Look at the top of the report editor and you should see "
View Database Documentation" to the right of the title. Click on that. You'll be presented with a list of LANSweeper's tables and, if you scroll down, the contents of those tables.
Press Ctrl+F and type "tblAssetCustom", the name of the table that the WHERE clause is filtering a field from. That should jump you to the name of the table in the list. Click on it and you should jump to the details of what's in the table.
Back to the WHERE clause, it's filtering on
tblAssetCustom.State, so take a look at the description of the State field. You'll see that that field references
tblState.State. Click (or Ctrl+click to open in a new tab so you don't lose your place) on the "
tblState" link and you'll jump to the details of that table.
Given that, if you want to know what all the states are, create a new report,
Select Top 1000000
From tblstate
and there's your list. (Take that, Google!
Knowing the contents of that list, you can then edit the WHERE clause on the report you want to modify. Change
Where tblAssetCustom.State = 1
Where tblAssetCustom.State IN (1, 7, 😎
to include assets that are Active (1), Spare (7) or In Repair (8).