Hello all, I am new to creating reports in Lansweeper and cannot seem to figure out how to create the type of report I am needing. Would someone be able to provide how to generate a report that would show all patches/updates that a device has had over the past year? I found a report for generating one that has all Windows patches, see below for reference, but I am needing it to show all Windows, Adobe, Chrome, Edge, etc. updates. Is this possible?
Select Top 1000000 Count(tblQuickFixEngineering.QFEID) As [Count Of KB's],
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblQuickFixEngineering On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblQuickFixEngineering.AssetID
Inner Join tblQuickFixEngineeringUni On tblQuickFixEngineeringUni.QFEID =
Where DateDiff(dd, tblQuickFixEngineering.InstalledOn, GetDate()) / 365.25 < 1
Group By tblQuickFixEngineeringUni.HotFixID