I would like to create report that contain asset picture in ASP.NET. what's picture field name & table in LANSweeper database? Please advice. Thank you.
When you upload an asset picture, the image is added to the Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Website\assetpictures folder on your Lansweeper server and the ID of the asset (tblAssets.AssetID) is used as the image name. The image isn't stored in the database itself and there's no specific database field that stores the full file name. TblAssets.AssetID is used as the image name.
When you upload an asset picture, the image is added to the Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Website\assetpictures folder on your Lansweeper server and the ID of the asset (tblAssets.AssetID) is used as the image name. The image isn't stored in the database itself and there's no specific database field that stores the full file name. TblAssets.AssetID is used as the image name.
Thank you for your answer but I mean Asset Picture.Not AD User picture. I already tried on Lansweeper Database Dictionary and not found it.
I found location of picture on C:\Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Website\assetpictures And I would like to know which table and filed that identify picture name. Can you please help ?
The picture of AD users is stored in tblADusers.picture. User pictures which manually have been uploaded are stored on the computer hosting your Lansweeper web console under Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Website\userpictures.
We recommend having a look at the database dictionary which is accessible at the top of the report editor. It lists all database tables and columns.