Color printer report
Is there a way to breakout the number of B/W and color printed pages? Ricoh requires that we give them both meters on color copiers. This will beat remoting to each copier to obtain the meter reads.
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Is there a way to breakout the number of B/W and color printed pages? Ricoh requires that we give them both meters on color copiers. This will beat remoting to each copier to obtain the meter reads.
Hi,I have prepared a diskspace report as follows. Now I want to add volume name of the disks to the report as well, could someone advise how can it be done? Thanks!Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tblAssets.Domain, tblAss...
I am looking for the following report, but to include OS.If possible to include Processor.Thanks!
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Help me, please. I can't even figure out how to do a branching report like this. I need a list of all AD Users who have LastLogon Computer There should be fields in the report:Username, JobTitle, LastLogonComputer, CPU, AssetLocation, Custom10, Custo...
I have the following query that I'd like to run in a report, click a selected statename and have it generate another detailed report with all assets that match that state.SELECT ts.Statename, ts.State, count(ta.AssetID) AS TotalFROM tblAssets AS ...
Hello, I am wondering if I can modify the built in report for anti-virus expired. I have several computers with 2, and even one or two with 3. Antivirus programs installed. But more often than not one of them is disabled and out of date. I am really ...