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VMware report: # of Windows Guests

I have this report built out so far, but I must admit I know very little about SQL and regrettably I do not currently have the cycles to bring myself up to speed. How would I go about showing a count of Windows-based guests in the following report? ...

Teebs88 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Get last installed windows update (date)

Hello,i would like to get the information of all windows server regarding the last installed windows update.For starting i use the standard (bultin) report "Installed Windows Updates".With this report i get some information, but the column "Installed...

AlexanderH by Engaged Sweeper II
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Help reporting a funky timestamp from registry

I am reporting on a registry value that produces a time stamp that looks like '20181025162152.000000-420'. I simply want to convert this to a short date that Excel can read. Using the example time stamp above it should look like '10/25/2018'.I was ...

STRiCT by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Report with duplicates

Hi,I'm creating a Report with all Windows 7 Computers and their Hardware. Im getting multiple lines per Asset. What am I missing?Thanks!Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetUnique, tblAssets.Domain, tsysOS.OSname, tblComputersyste...

pscholz by Engaged Sweeper
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Out Of Warranty in 90 days by ChassisType

hi all, below is my statement. the below generates all assets and does not provide me with the 90 days. can anyone help advise please.Select Top 1000000 tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon, tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tblAssetCustom...

kiran by Engaged Sweeper
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Custom Inventory audit report

I am trying to generate essentially an Audit ReportThe below is what we have so far, But i would like to add: - Free Disk space on the C: in GB- If Parallels Client 64 bit is installed and What version- the username of local admin account- and instal...