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Resolved! Show the last 3 users for a computer

Hi there,I'm trying to make a report to sort all my PCs to show the lastest 3 users and logon time by computer.But actually I don't know how to limit to the last 3 users. Please, do you have an idea how to do that ?Actually here is my report (that sh...

Kreg by Engaged Sweeper II
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tblUps.BatteryStatus Descriptions

I am creating a custom report working off of the tblUps table. That table has BatteryStatus which is an integer. What table do I need to link to to get the names we see on the asset page? In my case, I have a status id of 2, which shows as "Normal...

netops1 by Engaged Sweeper
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Exporting users Email addresses?

Hello I have a report which shows all the machines on my site, the current OS and the last user to sign in on them.I filter the results to show only machines with Windows 7.From the machines left showing, can i export the email address from all the l...

wayneRex by Engaged Sweeper II
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Excel Linking to Reports

I'm just wondering if it's possible to link my customized Excel spreadsheet directly to the Lansweeper compact SQL DB to directly generate reports.

Resolved! Filter this query for Windows 7 only

Hi,I've been trying to get this report to only show Windows 7 (any version/edition) but I'm not able to get it right. How should the report look to only include Windows 7 where the registry value is found?Select Top 1000000 tsysOS.Image As icon, tbl...

kim_kaberg by Engaged Sweeper II
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Custom Field 1 Report issue

I have about 1000 PCs im trying to report on. In Custom Field 1 ive renamed it to EOL (End of Life) in Date format. The point of this is for me to build a report to determine which PCs I need to replace each month. Could someone assist in helping me ...

Audit and Event Log Reports

I'm looking to create a report that runs daily for all the event logs for the workstations and servers in the domain. SQL is not something that I work with to often so I'm having some difficulty knowing exactly what it is I'm doing. However I was abl...

BenTre by Engaged Sweeper
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Duplicate entries on custom report

Hi LS teamI am wondering if you could modify my script as to prevent duplicate entries of the asset?Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetUnique, tsysOS.OSname, tsysOS.Image As icon, tblAssetCustom.Model, tsysIPLocations.IPLocatio...

cpmining by Engaged Sweeper
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