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Helpdesk Report

Hello,I am just beginning to deploy the helpdesk feature of Lansweeper, but cannot find a report that we use for reporting. I am looking for a report that will return the Agent's name, and number of tickets closed/resolved over the past year. I hav...

JasonGood by Engaged Sweeper
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MAC Addresses for ALL assets

I am trying to get a complete list of mac addresses of assets on the network so that we can implement a whitelist inside our network. I have looking around and trying different items in the report builder but ive only been able to get a list of PC MA...

nickoliver by Engaged Sweeper II
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Report for inventory

Report for inventory, i suck a creating report please help.I need a report that can give me username, computer name, computer model, computer s/n, IP addresse, OS name, domaine name , warranty and Vendor.Thank you for helpDan

Resolved! relations between assets and users

I'm trying to build a report that will give me the relations between individul users and assets. I'm also wanting to put other asset based information in the report but the report will not return any info. What am I doing wrong?Select Top 1000000 t...

Project Management

It would be nice to have a separate module for project management. Create tasks, assign users to tasks etc.Maybe this could be incorporated into the help desk.

jcait by Engaged Sweeper
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