I have created some Asset Custom fields, Is it posible to show this custom field name and tekst in the License: Software licensekey overview report.See attachment
HI I need a reports for:1. all desktop pc that warranty end until 31.12.20172. all laptop that warranty end until 31.12.20173. all users that have more then one laptop/desktop and to see what model of laptop/ desktop they have.YoursTamir
Hi, I have a report to show the tickets closed in the last 30 days, i now need to show the agent assigned to the ticket within this report i believe the info i need is in htblticketssummary however every time I add this to the report my report goes f...
I have created a simple report that would show us a simple overview (Agent, Requester, subject, and description of all tickets), opened and closed in the last 24 hours.The report I have so farSelect Top 1000000 htblticket.date As [Date Created], htb...