Hello, is there a report where I can see the date that a machine updated its Windows version? For example, when it was updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
Hi,I am wanting to generate a report showing the following, if it all possible...Computer Name, Department of User, Model of Equipment (Or if PC or Laptop), If they are a member of a specific AD Account, If they have a specific piece of software inst...
Hi,I'm wondering if somebody has built a report or can help with a report to identify who has MalwareBytes installed which isn't a server. Also, I'm trying to identify if corporate or free version is installed and wondering if there's a way I can fla...
I'm trying to create a report that is given me a list of assets that haven't installed a package and are not listed in a static assets group, but I'm getting an sql-error .The error says = The columns in the subquery do not match. [ Column ordinal = ...
Looking to make a report that will tell me the asset name, autodesk product installed and if its a network version, standalone version or Multi seat standalone thanks
Hi,I am trying to get a report of all our Windows Servers showing the OS, with Scan Time information, along with any Scanning errors.I've been trying to 'merge' 2 of your in-built reports - 'All scanning errors' & 'Last scan times of Windows servers'...
I have a number of servers that are being replicated to targets at our DR site. I created an asset relation to show that server A is replicating to server B. What I need now is a report that shows that info. I found this thread --> http://www.lanswee...