Hello, is there a report where I can see the date that a machine updated its Windows version? For example, when it was updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
I am looking to generate a weekly report of hosts that will be purged from lansweeper (per the asset cleanup options) within the next week or so. I am not sure what criteria needs to be met in order for an asset to be eligible for deletion (we have ...
Hello,I created a report that lists all assets who have an assignment "used by" attached to them.This report lists the computers and the user.I wanted to add some more information about the computer so I can easily check everything there.Things I'm m...
Dear all,is there a finished report or can somebody write a report for me, which show the network bandwith of all clients and servers and assetts (e.g 100/1000 Mbit). Warm regards Philip
Hello Everyone.I'm trying to create a report that will show the software installed in computers and show the cost of each program installed.I have also created in the Licenses-->Edit purchased licenses, entries for each software i found installed in ...
Hello all. So I made a copy of the built in "All Workstations" report, and added and rearranged some fields. It seems to be all okay except for one thing. I compared the results of my report to the built in report, and it shows about 10 less workstat...
The report below lists the mapped drives configured on your Windows computers. Keep in mind that Lansweeper only scans persistent mapped drives. These are the drives found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Network in the client machine's registry.The report will ...
The report below returns a log of who tried to log into the Lansweeper web console (successfully or unsuccessfully) and when. This report only works in Lansweeper 6.0 or a more recent Lansweeper release, as tracking of web console login events was fi...