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Resolved! Asset Group reports

Is there an easy way to grab all assets that are members of a group, auto open, go to view printable report and then print to a pdf file (destination selectable) and the pdf is auto named to match the asset name? I constantly need to run reports on a...

Jimurray by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Report over MAC addresses on all Printers

Hey there!I am looking for a report, showing me the MAC address of all Printers in my database. I could find a report showing all computer MAC addresses but i was unable to modify that report for printers only. Your help is appreciated! Thanks in adv...

koglerh by Engaged Sweeper III
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Location maps and their assets

Lansweeper allows you to place assets on a map, as explained in this knowledge base article. The two sample queries below show how you can include this information in reports.The first report lists your location maps and the assets placed on them. On...

Susan_A by Lansweeper Alumni
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Resolved! Windows Updates?

Hi guys,Is there any reports which shows computers that are missing one or more recent Microsoft Windows updates?We have a WSUS server that fires these updates to these computers once/twice a week but I wanted to know if there's anything on Lansweepe...

hasayeret by Engaged Sweeper II
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