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Resolved! Machine Uptime issue

Hi Team,We are not able get the correct uptime in lansweeper for machines.In machine summary page update is showing incorrect uptime for every machine.However, when I open uptime calendar in same page, I am able to see the correct uptime.Request you ...

Resolved! Report for 2 Reg Keys

I need to generate a report for 2 reg keys.I know how to do it for 1 key.How can I display 2 keys in one report?Here is the example for one.Select Top 1000000 tsysOS.Image As icon, tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetUnique, tblAssets.Domain, tblRe...

Resolved! Software Report: changes in the last 7 days Question

Hello. I look at the "Software: changes in the last 7 days" report to see what has been installed on user computers. I have just recently updated from 4.x to 5.x a couple of weeks ago. As far as I can tell, ever since I have updated from my previous ...

mtcuser by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! CPU Report with Hyper-thread --

Hello,Is it possible to have a column to show if the CPU is hyper threaded?Also I can not find where I can add a column to show how many Physical CPU sockets are in the server.Name----Sockets--CPS---HT----Total ThreadsSRV1-------2----------2-----Y---...

Resolved! Create a report- Java Runtime Environment by version

Hello! I have another whacy report I would really like- I am pretty bad at this but maybe someone can help. I sure hope so.I wonder- is there a way; to write a report- that shows every pc that has JavaRuntime environment loaded- with it's corrospond...

Resolved! Printer reports now showing anything?

I am trying to get a list of our network printers and the canned reports are showing:Device: Printer status (0)AssetName Status Printed Pages Device model Lastseen AssetName Status Printed Pages Device model Lastseen This report has no res...

chaley by Engaged Sweeper
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