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Resolved! Report showing all notebooks without endpoint agent

Hello,I would like genearate a report showing all notebooks/laptops without endpoint security isntalled in my environment. So far this is what I have, but I can't seem to be able to query for only notebooks/laptops. Thanks in advance for any help. Se...

jpv by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Report for new asset

Hi guys,I'm a new user of Lansweeper and i'm pretty bad at SQL query :sI want to know if it's possible to create a report that show me (and then email me) every new asset. I was thinking for a "First seen" query but i really have no idea how to creat...

jaynnibal by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Help with a software query for auditing

I need to create a SQL query using the report builder to yield software name, software version, software publisher, and the number of each of those softwares in use on my network. I am unsure how to begin structuring said query beyond selecting tbls...

seth921 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Modify data shown in IP Location asset group report/widget

From the IP Locations Overview Widget, is it possible to modify the report that is generated when clickong on a subnet so that the client OS is included? If that is not possible, is there a report that will allow me to see PCs with their OS, and gro...

lvvwd by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Report for Asset Groups

Hi,First, I'd like to say what an awesome tool Lansweeper is. My company recently purchased it and I have been tasked with getting it ready to deploy out to our 7 sites. So far, so good.With that said, I am looking for ways to modify some of the exis...

Mlacombe by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Report for OS, Office Version and IE version

Pretty new to trying to use SQL coding to create reports. I normally would just div in and do a bunch of studying. However, boss is wanting a report asap that will include Computer name, OS, Office version and IE version. I've been just running separ...

chosmer by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Where result is "null" / empty

Complete SQL newb here. I have the below report, and I want to know when Custom07 is "blank"/has no data. Need to narrow down my assets and make sure these blanks are filled in. Thanks!Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tsys...

MustQ by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Workstation: Out of warranty reports

Hello Lansweeper,Is it possible to create a report similar to the Workstation: Out of warranty in 90 days, that shows me the computers that will be out of warranty before a calendar date, such as 12/31/14, instead of adding days to the current date? ...

Technut27 by Champion Sweeper
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