Hi,Could you help me generate a custom report for Microsoft software with the keys and user names please?Im using this report at the moment: http://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst7942_Micrsoft-Office-license-keys.aspx .
Hello- Sorry for what is likely an obvious question but I am new to Lansweeper and could not find this either in the forums; or the included reports. I am looking for a query that simply lists all connected network printers; across all my subnets; no...
Hello GuysI need to extract Machine name, Microsoft Office and Windows keys from the database. Can somebody help me.I have latest lansweeper version installed
Hi. I'm trying to produce a report all of workstations that have the folder "C:\Databases\*.mde" present.I've added the folder to the Custom File Scanning and its seems to be picking it up ok. It just the report is not reporting the ones that are sho...
Hi thereI've been tasked by our support teams to create a report showing the number of computers / laptops which are in each location. We've populated the IP Locations with the IP ranges and Locations names in the Lansweeper Configuration. I'm defi...
I have a custom scan based upon a certain registry key being present. I'm not a programmer so how can I tweek my query to give me a list of machines that do not have the registry key?Select Top 1000000 tsysOS.Image As icon, tblAssets.AssetID, tblA...