I have to audit all of our computers for the presence or absence of a specific piece of software.Getting the machines that have the software is easy by scanning for the registry value but how do I search for machines that do not have that value? Her...
I'd like to create a report based on IP location. Very similar to what you get when you click on IP location overview once you have that setup.Thing is I need several ranges of IPs and additional info. Specifically I'd like:AssetNameIPDomainOS Name...
Hello I am trying to create a report that tells me which people have the "Autodesk Revit % Standalone" software I need. I get it to work but I don't want to see duplicate computer names. I have tried a few things but I am still seeing duplicates. Any...
Hello,I would like to generate report showing all Windows systems with the following:1. Symantac Anti-virus agent installed and running2. The version of the DAT file used by SymantecThank you in advance!