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Resolved! How to setup a custom software report

Hello,I just installed Lansweeper on a completely different network because my boss wants me to find all non-standard applications on this unknown WAN. My company merged with another company but their network is unknown and pretty chaotic looking. I ...

HAL9000 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Reports registry key

Ho can i get a report featuring this registry key to see if they are enabled or not?ScreenSaverIsSecure (1)ScreenSaveActive (1)ScreenSaveTimeOut (600)And if its possible the username

Resolved! Report for users

I need a report which will list all users that have lastnames that are 5 characters or less. Anyone have something ?

Resolved! Domain Admins not on local administrators group

Hey all;So we are trying to create a report of machines where the domain admins group isnt a member of the local administrators group. We can create the positive result on this query below but how do we get the other result we want, I am aware that w...

Resolved! Fixed Assets Listing

I need a report of basically everything (Servers, Computers, Routers, Etc) with name, make/model, S/N and maybe IP. Anyone know what tables will put all of this together?

Resolved! Computer Needing Windows Update

Does anyone know of a way to generate something like this? Yes, WSUS wlll show this to you, however we have several WSUS servers and was wondering if I could use LanSweeper to consolidate this into a single view.

dkhilo by Engaged Sweeper III
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