Resolved! Report AD groups and their members (incl. groups)
Hi thereI need a report with all AD groups and their members including AD groups. Is this possible with Lansweeper?
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Hi thereI need a report with all AD groups and their members including AD groups. Is this possible with Lansweeper?
Hi All Is there anyway to export all of a assets info? I would like to keep the assets history, assigned users, ticket history etc of a asset before I remove it from LS.
Hi, On the classic Lansweeper, I can go to the computer properties and was able to do a 'printable report' of that computer. Is there a cloud version of this? Or I have to use the classic version for now? Thank you
Does anyone have a Script to pull the O365 Mailbox Sizes?
Hello All! I saw some great responses here so I have started a new discussion thread to see if we can get more examples: Reply or comment to ...
Select Top 1000000 tblassets.AssetID, tblassets.AssetName, tblassets.Username, tsysassettypes.AssetTypename, tsysassettypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon, tblassets.IPAddress, tblassets.Lastseen, tblassets.Lasttried, Games.softwareName As [software...
According to: you can create custom "Asset States"... and According to:
Hello, I'm trying to create a new custom Report in Lansweeper Cloud. The goal is to get the list of users who are not members of specific O365 groups. With a SQL request, it's quite simple, but do you know if it's possible to do that with a MongoDB Q...
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