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Finding todays date in SQL

Hi,I am trying to write a SQL report in Lansweeper that shows all users that have logged in today,Below is what I have so far but can't find how to specify LoginTime. I need something likeLastLogonTime = between TodaysDate() AND TodaysDate()Select To...

Resolved! Software by OU

We seperate our domain by division in AD and I'd like to do a software inventory for each OU. Does anyone have a report for it? Thanks!!

Resolved! LS not scanning anymore all of a sudden

Hi,  It seems my on-prem LS is suddenly not scanning anymore. The last seen assets and last seen users are all stuck at a certain date and time. Weirdly, this date is on the weekend at a very early hour where nobody would be awake to have done someth...

CCC by Engaged Sweeper III
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SQL join columns

Hello! Help to combine the columns in the report. I'm not really friends with SQL) join (CurrentHorizontalResolution CurrentVerticalResolution) to get an EXAMPLE view: 1366x768Thanks! 

AlexBell by Engaged Sweeper II
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