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Report - VMware guest machines

First, I'm not liking the new layout or functionality of the forums.  I lost my previous account and I know I've posted and "Kudos"-ed several times in the past; this new layout is really hard to navigate for simple information and reference....simpl...

Finding Systems with a missing local admin

I'm trying to ensure that all systems have a dedicated local admin for Lansweeper. I found these 2 attached reports:Report to determine local admins per system.Report to determine software missing from system.I'm trying to merge the two reports to ge...

abustraan by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Asset Owned By Report

Total asset count: 1350.  75% of these are "owned by" and the other 25% are not owned, as they are in a classroom.  I created a report based on the information below, which I pulled from

Resolved! Unauthorized Wifi Devices Report

I am attempting to generate a report which will include all the machines who have IP addresses on 3 specific IP locations I created based on 3 wifi networks. The machines that are not members of 1 of the 2 AD domains I am considering rouge machines a...

AD Groups Report with Notes field

Is there a way to grab the Notes/Info field from a security group in AD?I am trying to mimic this powershell command. The "info" attribute is shown as "Notes" in the group's Properties window in AD.get-adgroup -filter 'name -like "example*"' -propert...

BPU by Engaged Sweeper
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VMs and HOST inventory for Microsoft Licenses

Hello,Can some please help with a custom report? I need below values in the report:Virtual Machine Name | Host Server Name (name of physical server where the VM is running)| VM Power Status (ON or OFF) | VM OS Caption | Host OS Caption | VM Physical ...

Nels by Engaged Sweeper
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