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Chart: Microsoft Office 365 Versions

It took me a while to get this working, mainly due to my lack of knowledge in doing these queries. This will grab the version number of the Office 365 installation and give the total amount of clients with that version. In turn it can be used for cha...

suspect0 by Engaged Sweeper
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Printer Network Interfaces Database Table?

I'm trying to build a report showing all the network interfaces present across our printer fleet regardless of connection status. The individual printer asset pages can show multiple interfaces, but I can't find where this is stored to pull it into a...

ChrisParr by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! small change to "Software: List of software by computer"

Hi, Can someone kindly help me figuring this out. i have no SQL query experience, hence this problem.The builtin report: Software: List of software by computeris for my purpose missing Fullname (instead of username) and the Company attribute from AD....

snigah by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Report if Credential Guard is active

Hi,I'm looking for a way to check whether Credential Guard is activated on my endpoints.Probably the best way to do this is to query the registry value:HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa DWORD LsaCfgFlagsValue could be 0=deactivated, 1=On with...

addresses available report

I want to build a report that exclude the addresses ip assets, I have in Assets and will show me only which free addresses I ask for help in creating the REPORTThanks

GUYYES by Engaged Sweeper
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AD DistinguishedName of Computer object

How would I go about adding one of these fields to my current report?Here is my current report: Select Top 1000000 tblassets.AssetID, tblassets.AssetName, tsysassettypes.AssetTypename, tsysassettypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon, tblassets.Domain, tb...

Reporting on Auto Closed tickets

Has anyone had any luck reporting on auto closed tickets? We'd like to add a Yes/No column to our existing variation of tickets closed in the last x days, however the value in the table doesn't stay for htblticket.autoclose, my guess is that it flips...

AEMIT by Engaged Sweeper II
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