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Resolved! Can I request a custom report here?

Hi, I have found two reports on the LS site that are great, but I need a combination of both reports, and doing that is beyond my expertise so I was wondering is there a place that I can request a report be made, or help me make it?The 2 reports are ...

briang by Engaged Sweeper II
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Identifying users of Windows legacy authentication

In the process of implementing MFA organization-wide, one of the potential stumbling blocks are users still on older applications like pre-2013 Outlook that use legacy cleartext username/password combos. I would like to identify which machines and u...

Baronet by Engaged Sweeper
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Report Editor GUI Question

Is there any documentation for report editor UI? I would like to learn what SQL command abilities are in the UI. I know how to manually write my queries but I see the editor UI also has the ability to do many of the SQL functions, even advanced ones ...

Decyfer by Engaged Sweeper
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Report Microsoft Office Versions

Hello everybodyI'm trying to create a report that lists the Office version installed on the clients. Unfortunately I get multiple entries because Microsoft Office is required in several languages on the clients. Is there a possibility to display only...

FortiClient - Out of Date Report

Can someone please help clean up the current report I've put together from the forums?

JarradW by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! tblOperatingsystem.Caption Laptop OS version

Hello, May i know how to remove the Microsoft Windows 10 and leave only the Professional, Enterprise and Pro in tblOperatingsystem.Caption OS Version. I Tried this report below but Microsoft Windows 10 still showing in my query report. Select Top 100...

MarkJonN by Engaged Sweeper II
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