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Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
The report below will calculate an estimate of your network's total computing power based on the information available in Lansweeper.

You can find 2 reports below which can be used depending on the Lansweeper version you are using. The Lansweeper 6 report combines the total computing power of Windows, Linux and Macs.
The Lansweeper 7 reports adds VMware server computing power which is new information that is scanned in LS7.

The calculation used to achieve the numbers in the report is as follows:
Performance in TFlops = ((CPU speed in GHz) x (number of CPU cores, if available) x 16) / 1000

Lansweeper 6 report:
Select Top 1000000 (Case
When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsWindows.TFlops
End) As TflopsWindows,
When TflopsLinux.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsLinux.TFlops
End) As TflopsLinux,
When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsMac.TFlops
End) As TflopsMac,
When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsWindows.TFlops
End) + (Case
When TflopsLinux.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsLinux.TFlops
End) + (Case
When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsMac.TFlops
End)) As TflopsTotal
From (Select Sum((Cast(tblProcessor.MaxClockSpeed / 1000 As decimal(18,2)) *
tblProcessor.NumberOfCores * 16) / 1000) As TFlops
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblProcessor On tblAssets.AssetID = tblProcessor.AssetID
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsWindows,
(Select Sum((Cast(SubString(tblLinuxProcessors.MaxSpeed, 0, 5) /
1000 As decimal(18,2)) * 4 * 16) / 1000) As TFlops
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblLinuxProcessors On tblAssets.AssetID =
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsLinux,
(Select Sum(((Cast(SubString(Replace(tblMacHwOverview.CPUSpeed, ',',
''), 0, 4) As decimal(18,2)) / 10) * tblMacHwOverview.NrOfCPUs * 16) /
1000) As TFlops
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblMacHwOverview On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblMacHwOverview.AssetID
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsMac

Lansweeper 7 report:
Select Top 1000000 (Case
When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsWindows.TFlops
End) As TflopsWindows,
When TflopsLinux.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsLinux.TFlops
End) As TflopsLinux,
When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsMac.TFlops
End) As TflopsMac,
When TflopsESXi.TFlopsVM Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsESXi.TFlopsVM
End) As TflopsESXi,
When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsWindows.TFlops
End) + (Case
When TflopsLinux.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsLinux.TFlops
End) + (Case
When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsMac.TFlops
End) + (Case
When TflopsESXi.TFlopsVM Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsESXi.TFlopsVM
End)) As TflopsTotal
From (Select Sum((Cast(tblProcessor.MaxClockSpeed / 1000 As decimal(18,2)) *
tblProcessor.NumberOfCores * 16) / 1000) As TFlops
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblProcessor On tblAssets.AssetID = tblProcessor.AssetID
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsWindows,
(Select Sum((Cast(SubString(tblLinuxProcessors.MaxSpeed, 0, 5) /
1000 As decimal(18,2)) * 4 * 16) / 1000) As TFlops
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblLinuxProcessors On tblAssets.AssetID =
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsLinux,
(Select Sum(((Cast(SubString(Replace(tblMacHwOverview.CPUSpeed, ',',
''), 0, 4) As decimal(18,2)) / 10) * tblMacHwOverview.NrOfCPUs * 16) /
1000) As TFlops
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblMacHwOverview On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblMacHwOverview.AssetID
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsMac,
(Select Sum((Cast(tblVmwareInfo.CpuMhz / 1000 As decimal(18,2)) *
tblVmwareInfo.numCpuCores * 16) / 1000) As TFlopsVM
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblVmwareInfo On tblAssets.AssetID = tblVmwareInfo.AssetID)
As TflopsESXi
Engaged Sweeper III
Some devices don't have cores reported and some other have unknow Frequency, it is a nightmare to have different Tabvle in the DB for CPU informations/ OS info etc..

My result for one of my environments :

Champion Sweeper
Still working for me, using v.
Engaged Sweeper III
This report doesn't work anymore with Last version of Lansweeper :
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Unkn' to data type int.

It was funny report until it died...:-(
Engaged Sweeper III
Pretty cool report!
Got 1016.213440....
Engaged Sweeper III
I get:
Error: Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.
Engaged Sweeper
Well, with LanSweeper 7 running on SQL Server I receive this errormessage when trying to safe the report:

Select Top 1000000 (Case When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsWindows.TFlops End) As TflopsWindows, (Case When TflopsLinux.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsLinux.TFlops End) As TflopsLinux, (Case When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsMac.TFlops End) As TflopsMac, ((Case When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsWindows.TFlops End) + (Case When TflopsLinux.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsLinux.TFlops End) + (Case When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsMac.TFlops End)) As TflopsTotal From (Select Sum((Cast(tblProcessor.MaxClockSpeed / 1000 As decimal(18,2)) * tblProcessor.NumberOfCores * 16) / 1000) As TFlops From tblAssets Inner Join tblProcessor On tblAssets.AssetID = tblProcessor.AssetID Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsWindows, (Select Sum((Cast(SubString(tblLinuxProcessors.MaxSpeed, 0, 5) / 1000 As decimal(18,2)) * 4 * 16) / 1000) As TFlops From tblAssets Inner Join tblLinuxProcessors On tblAssets.AssetID = tblLinuxProcessors.AssetID Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsLinux, (Select Sum(((Cast(SubString(Replace(tblMacHwOverview.CPUSpeed, ',', ''), 0, 4) As decimal(18,2)) / 10) * tblMacHwOverview.NrOfCPUs * 16) / 1000) As TFlops From tblAssets Inner Join tblMacHwOverview On tblAssets.AssetID = tblMacHwOverview.AssetID Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsMac Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Unkn' to data type int.

Any advise?
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
ctr wrote:
Well, with LanSweeper 7 running on SQL Server I receive this errormessage when trying to safe the report:

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Unkn' to data type int.

Any advise?

It seems that one of your assets has the value 'Unkn' stored in the CPU speed field. Since the report tried to convert it to a number, it fails. Easiest fix would be to either remove the asset type which is causing the issue from the report.
Champion Sweeper
ctr wrote:
Well, with LanSweeper 7 running on SQL Server I receive this errormessage when trying to safe the report:

Select Top 1000000 (Case When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsWindows.TFlops End) As TflopsWindows, (Case When TflopsLinux.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsLinux.TFlops End) As TflopsLinux, (Case When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsMac.TFlops End) As TflopsMac, ((Case When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsWindows.TFlops End) + (Case When TflopsLinux.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsLinux.TFlops End) + (Case When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0 Else TflopsMac.TFlops End)) As TflopsTotal From (Select Sum((Cast(tblProcessor.MaxClockSpeed / 1000 As decimal(18,2)) * tblProcessor.NumberOfCores * 16) / 1000) As TFlops From tblAssets Inner Join tblProcessor On tblAssets.AssetID = tblProcessor.AssetID Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsWindows, (Select Sum((Cast(SubString(tblLinuxProcessors.MaxSpeed, 0, 5) / 1000 As decimal(18,2)) * 4 * 16) / 1000) As TFlops From tblAssets Inner Join tblLinuxProcessors On tblAssets.AssetID = tblLinuxProcessors.AssetID Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsLinux, (Select Sum(((Cast(SubString(Replace(tblMacHwOverview.CPUSpeed, ',', ''), 0, 4) As decimal(18,2)) / 10) * tblMacHwOverview.NrOfCPUs * 16) / 1000) As TFlops From tblAssets Inner Join tblMacHwOverview On tblAssets.AssetID = tblMacHwOverview.AssetID Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsMac Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Unkn' to data type int.

Any advise?

I also got an error, so only included Windows devices...

Our score was 326.558720
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks for that idea, LS failed to include Linux so I erased Linux from the SQL Statement:

Select Top 1000000 (Case
When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsWindows.TFlops
End) As TflopsWindows,
When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsMac.TFlops
End) As TflopsMac,
When TflopsESXi.TFlopsVM Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsESXi.TFlopsVM
End) As TflopsESXi,
When TflopsWindows.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsWindows.TFlops
End) + (Case
When TflopsMac.TFlops Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsMac.TFlops
End) + (Case
When TflopsESXi.TFlopsVM Is Null Then 0
Else TflopsESXi.TFlopsVM
End)) As TflopsTotal
From (Select Sum((Cast(tblProcessor.MaxClockSpeed / 1000 As decimal(18,2)) *
tblProcessor.NumberOfCores * 16) / 1000) As TFlops
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblProcessor On tblAssets.AssetID = tblProcessor.AssetID
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsWindows,
(Select Sum(((Cast(SubString(Replace(tblMacHwOverview.CPUSpeed, ',',
''), 0, 4) As decimal(18,2)) / 10) * tblMacHwOverview.NrOfCPUs * 16) /
1000) As TFlops
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblMacHwOverview On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblMacHwOverview.AssetID
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Where tblAssetCustom.Model Not Like '%virtual%') As TflopsMac,
(Select Sum((Cast(tblVmwareInfo.CpuMhz / 1000 As decimal(18,2)) *
tblVmwareInfo.numCpuCores * 16) / 1000) As TFlopsVM
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblVmwareInfo On tblAssets.AssetID = tblVmwareInfo.AssetID)
As TflopsESXi

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