01-30-2024 08:54 AM - edited 01-31-2024 04:53 AM
LS has one powerful chart. It is line-diagram. It can show more than 2 column data.
I have developed SQL-query for BIOS and Monitor Ages. It have to be used with this type chart.
You should use report's name with prefix "Chart:".
Chart: BIOS and Monitor Ages
Select Top 1000000 Coalesce(monitor_t.MonitorYear, bios_t.BiosYearReleased) As
Coalesce(monitor_t.TotalM, 0) As monitor_count,
Coalesce(bios_t.TotalB, 0) As bios_count
From (Select DatePart(yyyy, tblMonitor.ManufacturedDate) As MonitorYear,
Count(tblMonitor.MonitorID) As TotalM
From tblMonitor
Where DatePart(yyyy, tblMonitor.ManufacturedDate) <> 1990
Group By DatePart(yyyy, tblMonitor.ManufacturedDate)) monitor_t
Full Join (Select DatePart(yyyy, tblBIOS.ReleaseDate) As BiosYearReleased,
Count(tblAssets.AssetID) As TotalB
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblBIOS On tblAssets.AssetID = tblBIOS.AssetID
Group By DatePart(yyyy, tblBIOS.ReleaseDate)) As bios_t On
monitor_t.MonitorYear = bios_t.BiosYearReleased
Order By ReleasedYear
After create report you can add Chart Report on Tab via drag&drop it
Choose line-type and show label. My result:
01-31-2024 01:25 PM
Here is my result (industrial environment), monitors are not scanned:
02-01-2024 04:36 AM
I have another SQL-report with using "UNION ALL"
Chart: Bios Age Linux and Windows
Select Top 1000000 DatePart(yyyy, tBios.ReleaseDate) As BiosYearReleased,
Count(tblAssets.AssetID) As Total
From tblAssets
Inner Join (Select tblBIOS.AssetID,
From tblBIOS
Union All
Select tblLinuxBios.AssetID,
From tblLinuxBios) tBios On tblAssets.AssetID = tBios.AssetID
Group By DatePart(yyyy, tBios.ReleaseDate)
Order By BiosYearReleased
02-01-2024 04:35 AM
One of the goals to create this report was to show that LS can create multi-sources chart!
You have only one source of info.
01-31-2024 06:00 AM - edited 01-31-2024 06:08 AM
+Add two filters for monitors with incorrect EDID and remove VMs BIOSes.
-Use less tables for report.
Select Top 1000000 Coalesce(monitor_t.MonitorYear, bios_t.BiosYearReleased) As
Coalesce(monitor_t.TotalM, 0) As monitor_count,
Coalesce(bios_t.TotalB, 0) As bios_count
From (Select DatePart(yyyy, tblMonitor.ManufacturedDate) As MonitorYear,
Count(tblMonitor.MonitorID) As TotalM
From tblMonitor
Where tblMonitor.ManufacturedDate Not In ('01/01/1990', '03/06/1992',
Group By DatePart(yyyy, tblMonitor.ManufacturedDate)) monitor_t
Full Join (Select DatePart(yyyy, tblBIOS.ReleaseDate) As BiosYearReleased,
Count(tblBIOS.AssetID) As TotalB
From tblBIOS
Where tblBIOS.manufacturer Not In ('VMware, Inc.', 'Microsoft Corporation')
Group By DatePart(yyyy, tblBIOS.ReleaseDate)) As bios_t On
monitor_t.MonitorYear = bios_t.BiosYearReleased
Order By ReleasedYear
01-30-2024 08:56 AM
Hello there!
Thanks for sharing this! 👍
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