Either I screwed this up with my own modifications, or it's just like this to begin with, but if I have a computer that is 'not seen in 60 days' - can that not show up in the 30 day report. In other words, I want the 30 day report to only show from day 30-59, and the 60 day report to only show from days 60-89 etc. I don't want to see a computer in my 30 day report, that also appears in my 90 day report. I think it's just a simple greater then or less then modification but not sure how to do it.
Here is my 60 day report - what would I need to change to make sure this only shows days 60-89:
Select Top 1000000 tsysDevicetypes.ItemTypeIcon10 As icon, tblCustDevices.Displayname As [Device name], tblCustDevices.State, tblCustDevices.Model, tblCustDevices.Vendor, tblCustDevices.Location, tblCustDevices.Ipaddress, tblCustDevices.LastSeen, tblCustDevices.DeviceKey From tblCustDevices Inner Join tsysDevicetypes On tsysDevicetypes.ItemType = tblCustDevices.Devicetype Where tblCustDevices.State = 1 And tblCustDevices.LastSeen < GetDate() - 60 Order By tblCustDevices.Displayname