Lansweeper tracks reboots.. can I create report that will show how many times and what time of the day PC was rebooted?Any help where to start would be great.
I have built out a report, and it lists 44 assets. I click on the "Rescan Assets" link on the left side of the page and get this error: Error while adding assets to scanningqueue... The source contains no DataRows.This does not happen with all my re...
Hallo,I'm trying to build a Report wich shwos me wich Software is installed on all clients in a spesific Domain. The Publisher is the Microsoft Corperation. I don't want to see where it is installed just the Number of innstallations in this Domain. I...
Looking to make a report that will compile the following:Name of software | Total Count of Install locations | list of computers/users it is installed for | In a certain IP LocationAny thoughts?
Anyone have any idea why the assetname in the report below is not clickable? Followed advise on old thread to remove the alias. Works for most reports just not this one. Any help appreciated.Select Top 1000000 tsysOS.Image As icon, tblAssets.AssetNa...
We can use lansweeper to check if MS17-010 was correctly installed on windows system, follow these steps:-first add a custom File scanning into lansweeper, the file to check is '%windir%\system32\drivers\srv.sys'following the idea you can find here: ...
I'm in over my head on this one, I've been asked to create a report that will tell me which assets with the following versions of Microsoft office are missing the following KB and are vulnerable to petya ransomewareoffice pro 2007 / KB3141538Off...